World Chess Plc is incorporated under the laws of England and Wales under the company number 10589323. The Company's shares are traded on the main market of the London Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol CHSS. The Company’s principal activities include operating a chess gaming platform chessarena.com, operating chess clubs, manufacturing and selling chess merchandise, organizing chess tournaments, and promoting and managing chess players. The company reinvents chess for the 21st century fans and consumers.
Novum Securities
David Coffman
+44 (0) 20 7399 9400
Matt Shekhovtsov
As a Company with a Standard Listing, the Company is not required to comply with the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code. The Directors are committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance and propose, so far is practicable given the Company’s size and nature, to adopt and comply with the QCA Code.