The pin for the World Chess Championship Match
Current openings
Executive Assistant (Berlin) — Full Time
Accountant (Berlin) — Part time
UI/UX Designer (Berlin) — Full Time
Designer (Remote) — Full Time
Roles filled (in cronological order)
As we are updating our HR page, we will update the list of filled positions shortly. By the way, because chess is a developing sector, many companies are looking for employees, and we can share your resume with our partners and friends, if you would like us to!
World Chess is a UK-based company with offices in Berlin and London. 50% of the team works remotely. Even when we don’t have openings, we are always happy to review your resume or answer a question. Please contact hr@worldchess.com.
Job descriptions are created by the team members at World Chess who requested the position. They will also take part in the interview process.